Fast 2014-12-18: Tell Sony to release movie

“Added Fast” purpose: Allow Mike Caro to post spontaneous thoughts, tips, and information.

  • Includes Mike’s notes to himself.
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Petition to release movie (read and sign below)

On December 22, 2014, Sony announced that it will release the film titled Interview to selected theaters. Therefore the petition below is no longer valid.

To Sony:

I understand the seriousness of the invasion of your computers.

However, I believe that your response not to distribute a movie is likely to reward those who did this damage, increase the risk to others, and put freedoms we cherish at risk.

Therefore, I no longer will purchase Sony products until the movie is released.

You may sign (using your name and/or email address) in the comments section below, adding it to mine. Primarily, I just wanted to get my name on record about this. And I realize this isn’t the best way to petition online. Scroll down to add your name.

— MC | Follow-up link: → None

Also see:  → Why a Poker1 “Fast” category?  |  → All Poker1 “Fast” entries

Published by

Mike Caro

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Known as the “Mad Genius of Poker,” Mike Caro is generally regarded as today's foremost authority on poker strategy, psychology, and statistics. He is the founder of Mike Caro University of Poker, Gaming, and Life Strategy (MCU). See full bio → HERE.


15 thoughts on “Fast 2014-12-18: Tell Sony to release movie”

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  1. Sorry, not for free – I suppose that was a bit illogical ;p

    Anyway – it only took them 5 days, after your petition, to release it :-)

  2. Sony should release “The Interview.” I thought we as country don’t bow down to terrorists.

    1. Sony needs to release “The interview.” It should be required in every megaplex in the country!

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