Mike Caro ← Go back

Mike Caro poker-tell video
▼ TYPE Poker tell ▼ TIME 50 seconds
Video notes
Have you ever watched an opponent look back at his cards during the action? Here’s what it means.
Bonus notes
The Laws of Tells at the end of many of these videos are extra information and don’t always apply to the preceding tell.
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I notice that this happens most often when a 3,6,8, or 9 comes out, a player holding a 3 or 8 will not remember clearly which he was holding, likewise with the 6 and 9. I think this arises when the weight of his attention is focused on the stronger pair he is certain he has connected, ie A,K,Q. If anything this tell can alert you to a players holding with a high degree of certainty. If the 8 hits and he doesn’t exhibit signs of having improved his hand, treat his kicker as a 3 and bet accordingly.
So, what was he holding? K3 or the two diamonds?
Exitos, KJ
Exitos is spanish for “sucess” we use it here in Argentina en lieu of “good luck” as if to say, “may you find sucess” but in a typically succinct Latin fashion
Any chance you might have your collection of all these in Mp3 audio format?
I downloaded Phil Gordon’s Little Green Book through an audio format called Audible. If I remember right I think it was like $15 or something on Amazon. I listen to it almost every day and would just love to have all these “laws of tells” to listen to as well.
I know you have like a million projects going, so if something like this is in the works I’ll be on the lookout for it.
Hi, Max —
I’m definitely planning to offer both e-books and audio books. There will be other audio content (most mp3) available, too. And much of it will be free here at Poker1.
Straight Flushes,
Mike Caro