It’s amazing how many people think Fox News is something it isn’t. It’s become more symbolic of liberal anger than anything they actually should be quite so angry about. So, let me tell you exactly where the three major cable networks and three main over-the-air nightly newscasts fit. Here’s your guide…
Fox News: Fox often cheerleads for United States patriotism and for Christianity in ways that seem unfitting for a news outlet. Otherwise, it’s the least biased of the major news sources. Liberal views are well represented, but most opinion shows lean right. The morning shows are mostly conservative in their chatty segments.
CNN: It began as a balanced news network, but faded left in the late 1990s. Then it faded far left. Then further. Sometimes, along the way, it tried to regain some middle ground, but gave up. About five years ago I made a bet that you couldn’t watch CNN for 20 minutes from any random starting point without seeing environmental propaganda. No takers, but I could have won a lot of money. CNN still maintains the best group of foreign correspondents and is often a better source of breaking global stories than Fox.
MSNBC: A joke of a news agency. Far, far left, illogical, emotional, and worth watching sometimes, just for the experience. Not really news, though.
NBC: The half-hour broadcast leans far left, but still seems objective to millions of naïve viewers who expect it to be balanced. Bias is rampant in what they leave out, what they choose to cover, the emphasis they give to chosen stories, and the flavor of stories.
CBS: Ditto (see NBC), but slightly less extreme.
ABC: Ditto (see NBC), but slightly less extreme.
So, is there anywhere to get objective news? Yes, right here, but you won’t get most of it — only stuff I choose. So, look elsewhere. And let me know if you find anything. — MC
Al Jazeera English is more objective than the ones you listed, imo
Hi, Gary —
If you scroll down the news page, you’ll find a story from Al Jazeera America that’s still on the current news page (January 5, 2014). It includes my assessment of the network. Or you can visit the companion page that includes the story link here:
Straight Flushes,
Mike Caro