MCU poker tip: Laughter leads to profit default content graphic

Pretend you have a choice of tables offering identical forms of poker and identical limits. Obviously, you want to sit in the most-profitable game. But you don’t know any of the opponents.

Is there an easy way to get the edge by choosing the game that’s apt to make the most money? Yes!

Better game

The table with the most laughter is almost always the better game. That’s because laughter indicates that players are having a good time and not taking poker seriously. You can expect looser play, which means you’re more likely to win.

Of course, when you sit down, you want to join the party and be sociable. Try to giggle and fit in as much as possible, while still playing measurably tighter than the average opponent.

Remember, the key profit indicator is laughter. Avoid silence. Silence suggests serious poker and less profit.

So, I’ll repeat it once more: Love laughter; shun silence. — MC

Published by

Mike Caro

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Known as the “Mad Genius of Poker,” Mike Caro is generally regarded as today's foremost authority on poker strategy, psychology, and statistics. He is the founder of Mike Caro University of Poker, Gaming, and Life Strategy (MCU). See full bio → HERE.


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  1. I treat everyone in the game as if they were my equals. Whether they are, or not. When I’m having fun and giving my opponents a good reputation to live up to, I do well. It’s just like life.

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