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Groupon promotion celebrates President Hamilton and lists presidential achievements Fox News ↑
Hamilton among greatest presidents, says Groupon USA Today ↑
Mike Caro says:
When you’re a major corporation listed on NASDAQ, you might feel the civic obligation to inform an unsophisticated public about history. Maybe you should let them know about United States presidents whose accomplishments have faded from memory. I recommend Millard Fillmore.
Online coupon magnate Groupon decided on a different person, instead. They chose Alexander Hamilton and informed us: “President Hamilton is best known for the fiscal sensibilities that led him to author economic policies…”
Reporting on this same story, USA Today further quotes from the Groupon Presidents’ Day promotion: “The $10 bill, as everyone knows, features President Alexander Hamilton — undeniably one of our greatest presidents and most widely recognized for establishing the country’s financial system.” My only question about him being “undeniably one of our greatest presidents” is did he serve before or after he was assassinated by Arron Burr in that famous duel?
Or was this “undeniably one of the greatest promotions,” anticipating that it would be widely publicized? — MC