Sensible poker players can be too cautious in big pots.
Category: Psychology
The human side of poker
Caro’s Peak Poker Theory explained
Reference: Previous Flash format for poker-tell videos
For historical purposes: An old example of how poker-tell videos were presented in flash, prior to March, 2017.
Mike Caro poker word is Stop
Mike Caro poker word is Burdens
Mike Caro poker word is Disadvantages
Mike Caro poker word is Pumpkin
Mike Caro poker word is Revenge
Poker tell: Shuffling their own cards
Poker tell: “What do you think of my hand?”
Poker tell: Her pot now; needs to stack it
Poker tell: Leaning back, arms not folded
Poker tell: Arms folded and leaning back
Poker mistake: Make tight opponents play looser
Poker tell: Flop is all diamonds
Fast 2014-09-16: Poker’s hat trick
Fast 2014-09-14: Belligerent poker opponents
Poker tell: The most dangerous face in poker!
Unexplained tips for major poker profit
The great “Don’ts” of professional poker