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Grand Power Poker (combo / APT special offer)

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A complete world-class poker education in one package! Four books and three DVDs help you target all the chips on the table. Books: Caro’s Book of Tells, Caro’s Most Profitable Hold ’em Advice, Caro’s Secrets of Winning Poker, and Caro on Gambling (a free bonus). DVDs: Caro’s Pro Poker Tells, Caro’s Power Poker Seminar, and Caro’s Major Poker Seminar. You’ll get powerful tips, proven tactics, and even some not-widely-known tricks. From psychology to playable hands, from betting to bluffing, from bankroll to motivation — it’s all there!

Author and presenter: Mike Caro
Combined prices: $174.70
Cardoza / MCU / GT
Pages: 1,108 combined (softbound)
DVD run time: 3.5 hours combined
   2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 1984

(See details below.)

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You get it all in this comprehensive Mike Caro selection of his most important poker advice. Here is the ultimate collection, merging text and video, and designed to improve your game monumentally.

  • Book included:Caro’s Book of Poker Tells
    — The Psychology and Body Language of Poker

    Classic Mike Caro book. Over 170 photos. Explains when players are bluffing, when they aren’t, and why. Determine the strength of opponents’ cards by their actions.

    Author: Mike Caro
    Cover price: $24.95
    Cardoza Publishing
    320 pages, softbound
    2010 printing

  • Tells that redefined how professional poker players win!
  • Often, it’s as if your opponents had turned their cards face up on the table!
  • DVD included:Caro’s Pro Poker Tells.

    In 90 electric minutes, Mike Caro will show you the world’s most profitable poker tells in motion! See for yourself when opponents are bluffing, when they aren’t, and learn why. Based on his classic poker tells book, Caro uses real poker players, cards, chips, and tables. He demonstrates once and for all how you can extract free money from opponents who are unknowingly telling you what cards they hold. Finally, this amazing video makes the science of poker body language easy to understand.

    Presenter: Mike Caro
    Price on product: $49.95
    Mike Caro University (MCU)
    Running time: 1 hour, 30 minutes
    Copyright 2004

  • Finally! Actual video of poker’s most profitable tells in motion.
  • Book included:Caro’s Most Profitable Hold ’em Advice
    — The Complete Missing Arsenal

    The ultimate hold ’em collection of Mike Caro’s ground-breaking advice in a single monumental book. Sizing your bets right. Flop tactics. Bluffing. Starting hands. Motivation. Much more. Concepts not covered anywhere else. Almost every Mike Caro pioneering hold ’em lesson finally in one place.

    Author: Mike Caro
    Cover price: $24.95
    Cardoza Publishing
    408 pages, softbound
    Copyright 2007

  • A remarkable hold ’em toolbox, combining proven tactics and seldom-discussed secrets!
  • DVD included:Caro’s Power Poker Seminar.

    This was the first time that Mike Caro allowed one of his high-energy, pure-profit seminars to be filmed. You get it all in one dramatic hour of winning tips, tactics, and long-guarded secrets. Betting, raising, tells, bankroll, bluffing, motivation, and much more. You’ll discover why Mike Caro’s magic seminars have revolutionized poker by providing the most privileged and profitable advice in a dynamic and entertaining way.

    Presenter: Mike Caro
    Price on product: $19.95
    Mike Caro University (MCU)
    Running time: 1 hour, 2 minutes
    Copyright 1995, 2007

  • Find out why so many serious players (even world-class pros) regularly attend Mike Caro poker seminars.
  • DVD included:Caro’s Major Poker Seminar.

    Attend one of Mike Caro’s intense, easy learning poker seminars in your own home. This video will stand by itself or can be studied as a companion to Caro’s Power Poker Seminar DVD. Some of the “Power Poker” video’s advice is underscored in this “Major Poker” version by being presented differently at another location. This is real, unscripted poker education covering betting, raising, bluffing, tells, manipulation, motivation, and much more. In exclusive additional footage, Caro teaches and enhances key points after presenting them live.

    Presenter: Mike Caro
    Price on product: $19.95
    Mike Caro University (MCU)
    Running time: 1 hour
    Copyright 1998, 2007

  • Sit back and discover the bankroll-building tricks and tactics of winning poker the easy way — and directly from Mike Caro.
  • Book included:Caro’s Secrets of Winning Poker.

    The most important profit-building tactics and advice known to poker. Based on Mike Caro’s renowned seminars and training sessions, this specially crafted book actually shows the text of his slide presentations and explains each point, tip, and concept in easy to understand detail.

    Author: Mike Caro
    Cover price: $14.95
    Cardoza Publishing
    192 pages, softbound
    Copyright 2008

  • Mike Caro takes everything from his powerful poker seminars and puts it in writing, explaining concepts and strategies in ways you’ll never forget!
  • Free bonus book included:Caro on Gambling.

    This rare out-of-print book helped ignite the modern gambling revival by eloquently focusing on revolutionary concepts and analysis. A pleasure to read and easy to understand, this is Mike Caro at his best, telling you which forms of gambling you can beat and which you can’t. Of the 23 thought-provoking chapters, eight are dedicated to poker. A small quantity was recently discovered in storage. Not available anywhere else. A true collector’s book.

    Author: Mike Caro
    Price: $20 in Poker1 store until sold out
    Original 1984 cover price: $6.95
    A Gambling Times publication
    188 pages, softbound
    Copyright 1984

Invest in this premier poker education for yourself or buy as a gift for your poker-playing friend or special someone. It’s the legendary “Mad Genius of Poker”, Mike Caro, directly providing winning advice at its best, all gathered into one remarkable, maximum-profit collection for serious poker players.

Grand Power Poker (combo / APT)

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